kickin' some kangaroo ass
once upon a time, in a land known as "down under" there was a girl who was fusterated. plopped into a new and exciting culture, she wanted to share her life though pictures with others. alas, she came to learn that in this far far away place they restrict internet access to personal network storage & backup sites. her dreams sprilled downward... but of course there had to be a way around it... and this is that way...
sights of "home"

a very nifty shell found by jake the last time we went to cottlesloe beach. note: picture not to scale :)
a really sweet seed pod i found. in anticipation i'd like to answer some questions... yes, i'm saving it. yes, i'll bring it home mother!
the giant collection of shells so far 
a shell like the first one just rather beat-up with another tiny shell jammed into it. 
a closer up pictures of more neater shells
the outside of flat 33. it's so pretty... i think i'm getting teary eyed.

don't worry, you read it correctly. this is what generic popsicles are called over here. the only reason we got them is because i had to stop and read it again after we passed them in the store this afternoon. crazy people those australians.
the glorious, beautiful, fogged over cause it's so good and scrumptious 70% cocoa lindlt easter egg. *drool.i:
see, our toilets don't flush the wrong way, everything just gets shoved down by a big blast. oddest thing about it is the fact that you have to push two buttons at once to operate it. j:
this place is riddled with cute n' tiny compact, fuel efficent cars. i love it.
k, l & m:
what the walkways of the uni have to offer as far as scenery. and here i thought once we left l.a. i wouldn't see palm trees! how stupid a thought. n:
the native plant i'm trying to grow in one of my potso & p:
my tiny plants and where they are located.
you give way in stead of yielding in this country. in most places were we would put a stop sign (cause really i haven't seen that many stop signs) they have these.
a clever way to slow down traffic = make a one lane swervey thingy... but i'm sure the drunk people just run right over them. meep.
s & t:
the crosswalks here are elevated a little to form super huge speed bumps of sorts. before there are zig-zags on the road and then funny looking sign combinations. always give me an inside giggle on the way to class.
u thru x:
i've come to the conclusion that cutting a ring in a trees bark to kill it doesn't apply here. trees = too hard-core for that. as you can see there is an abundence of this tree on campus that loses it's bark but still holds green leaves. there aren't only crazy people here... but crazy plants as well. one day they will take over the world. 
y & z:
in the center for aborigional studies building there is this awesome mosaic on the floor. it represents a meeting place for all people. i want that on my floor some day.
holy wow, i made it to then end of the alphabet and still have more pictures. uhhh, guess i'm using nubmers now. new and uncharted territory here...
one of the awesome lizards that walk around the houseing areas. they look so plastic. they're harmless little buggers. one day i will pick one up and call him/her/it mine :)2:
the butterfly that i saved from death wednesday night.3:
a cool dead cockroach i found on our hall window sill. 
a nice sized spider that ran away from me trying to play... so jake killed it... and i took a picturethe end

may i present: the perth zoo