kickin' some kangaroo ass

once upon a time, in a land known as "down under" there was a girl who was fusterated. plopped into a new and exciting culture, she wanted to share her life though pictures with others. alas, she came to learn that in this far far away place they restrict internet access to personal network storage & backup sites. her dreams sprilled downward... but of course there had to be a way around it... and this is that way...


frigid flinders chase

the hike to snake lagoon via roadway

look mommy! we got up before it was light out!!
aren't you proud of me?

can anyone else see whats wrong with this sign?
hint: look at the tire tracks

HUGE ants roam the streets in these parts

breakneck river hike

(look closey and you'll see the goats)

sandy creek hike

sunset backlit clouds, there need to be
more dusks like this one

big 'ol roo prints. it's funny to think thats the only part of those
huge legs that gets used. crazy aussie animals!

snake lagoon hike

the tim burton trees...
i hear the nightmare before christmas theme already

rocky river hike

interesting new fungi

road side kanga

platypus water holesholes hike

the island has gray geese :)

by far the coolest spider i have ever seen... and with
those red fang/venom pouches you know it packs a punch
even if it's the size of a 50 cent piece

wallaby bone, a treat for any kangaroo

orange fungi!


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